When researching audio slideshows, I thought it would be interesting to try to find some regarding civil war events like that of the upcoming final project. Unfortunately, this (below) was the only one I could find, and I’m not crazy about it. It seems a little too typical and too short. The audio sounds good, but opening with gunshots and closing with music seemed a little too predictable. The lack of depth in the sole interview left the entire project feeling flat.
Because this video was below the standard I’d want to personally watch or create, I also thought I’d comment on a POY documentary winner, “Waiting For Death.” This slideshow was done incredibly well. The audio is clear and compelling, with incredibly impactful quotes chosen. The story, though incredibly simple and common, is driven forward by these quotes. The stills used are of excellent quality, and detail shots from the scenes representing the man’s oncoming death are used in a very professional way. The same representation is used in the opening referring to the rotting statue, which is incredibly strong imagery. Overall, the audio and visuals work together to make this piece have such impact, something too few slideshows manage to do.
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